Ascendant’s general policy, and first core value, is patient-first. Our Nurse Case Managers remain working with patients in need through each step of their recovery process. Each patient is assigned to one Nurse Case Manager, which ensures both continuity of care and provider consistency
Nurse Case Management
Ascendant Health will monitor, assess, and coordinate a patient's personalized care. We complete thorough medical evaluations by skilled nursing and clinical staff to evaluate patient needs and available treatments. Your nurse case manager will assist with scheduling and attending appointments, as well as ensuring each patient has access to the care they deserve. We advocate on your behalf when needed.
Specializing in Workers Comp and Auto-Related Injuries
Ascendant Health connects patients with providers who are familiar with auto or work-related injury cases. This ensures patients receive appropriate care during litigation process that may occur and that clinicians provide adequate and considerate documentation.
Medical Record Management
Ascendant Health has an internal team dedicated to ensuring we have all medical records related to patient's injuries. This includes imaging, scripts, doctor visit notes, etc. This ensures our nurses can create an individualized plan of care based on specific injuries and needs.